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I delivered 6 weeks early a 5lb 15oz lil boy:) After spending 2 months on bed rest in the hospital and Mason spending 11 days in the NICU, we're both home and doing great! Mason is getting bigger and gaining weight like he should. Now it's my turn to lose this weight! It's tough to get back on the band wagon...I CAN do this!
Just remember when have you ever lost 70 pounds in 5 months before!
Keep up the great work and you will reach your goal!!

13 lbs was lost pre-op
Anyone else regret the descicion to have sleeve rather than another surgery option?
I had surgery on August 11th. I have lost 85 pounds. I would like to be at 100 pounds by Feb 18th my 6th month check up. My diabetes was great at my first checkup. No more insulin. My second check up it was up, so I have added back a little insulin. That is OK though. I am getting discouraged because lately my weight loss is slow. I am also worried about what I eat. I am sticking to plan, but still worried.
For the most part, people have been supportive. Some have lots of questions... some tell me the horror stories of the people they "know" who have had major complications or death...
I just say that I did my homework and knew the risks involved but still chose to go through with the surgery.
I had surgery august 13 and did well until the weekend of labor day when I started throwing things up. I thought I was trying to eat the wrong things, eating too fast, or not chewing well enough. Well, the throwing up started getting worse and worse each day. Finally, I decided to let my pouch rest and only drink shakes for the day. I couldn't keep them down either. So, I thought I'd go to clear liquids, still didn't hold that down either. I was even having to spit out my saliva because NOTHING would stay down.
I ended up going in to have an EGD on Sept. 19 and the doctor said I had a "pinhole" stricture. As soon as I woke up, I was feeling better. I went straight back into my regular diet that I was on at the time and have not thrown up again since.
Please tell me how you are doing and I would like to keep in touch. My email is [email protected]